Mom & Me One Archive: 2002-2003
The definitive, eccentric journal of an unlikely caregiver.
As of 1/18/04 this journal continues at The Mom & Me Journals dot Net.

7 minute Audio Introduction to The Mom & Me Journals

My purpose in establishing and maintaining this journal
is to undermine the isolation of the caregiving experience
by offering all, especially our loved ones, a window into our lives.
As I post to this journal I think of our loved ones and their families,
how busy and involved we all are, and that,
if and when they come to this site they can be assured
that they will miss nothing in our lives and will, thereby, recognize us
and relax easily into our arms and our routines
when we are again face to face.

Legend of Journal Abbreviations
 APF = A Prescott Friend (generic) 
 DU = Dead Uncle 
 LTF = Long Time Friend a.k.a: 
   MFASRF = My Fucking Anal San Rafael Friend 
 MA = Mom's Accountant 
 MCF = My Chandler Friend(s) 
 MCS = My Colorado Sister 
 MDL = My Dead Lover 
 MFLNF = My Former Lover Now Friend 
 MLDL = My Long Distance Lover 
 MFA = Mom's Financial Advisor 
 MFS = My Florida Sister 
 MPBIL = My Phoenix Brother-in-Law 
 MPF = My Phoenix Friend (generic) 
 MPNC = My Phoenix NieCe 
 MPNP = My Phoenix NePhew 
 MPS = My Phoenix Sister 
 MS = Mom's Sister 
 MTNDN = My Treasured Next Door Neighor 
 OCC = Our Construction Company 
Tuesday, July 01, 2003
I smile every time I imply... this journal that I am talking to someone, an audience of more than two or three including people who know me. But, not only when I journalize (forgive me for hating the word "blog" and refusing to use it, but, I do and I am) here, I write to an imaginary audience, one that is indistinct because, truthfully, I can't imagine caregivers having the time to read someone else's journal. I don't. I'm surprised I am finding time to write this is strictly my shamed capitulation to the use of automated software on someone else's servers that is allowing me to do this. Well, and that I type fast. And that I know, reasonably well, what I'm doing around computer software. And my fingers are exquisitely suited to writing, quickly, whatever I'm thinking, and I form thought into language, quickly...well, the point of this post is, since it looks as though I'm going to have a go of this, I will be setting up an Updates page, a 3 column thing with little blurbs about, well, what I'm updating. What I'm adding. Or, subtracting, if need be.
    So I'll remember it, I think I'll mention that I also plan to direct a set of instructions for visitors on sorts of things for which they might want to search my site. There is, already, at this early date, a wealth of usable information and ponderable ideas and considerations in here about topics that can be brought up with simple searches for the obvious. A search for "dementia", for instance, well, I've written a lot of detailed observation and confessed many of my reactions to my mother's slide rule dementia, although on that topic I may not have much hard information, like resources, etc. But, I can't imagine you visiting this sight without having an interest in some of these things. So do I, which is why I put up this site.
    So, for anyone out there who's reading, look for minor, continuing changes in both structure and content, as I continue. I'll figure out several ways to keep you posted of novelties.
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